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Strategic Cooperation of CEPPEA and Bentley 发布时间:2018-10-31 浏览次数:3347


    From October 15 to 18, 2018, vice president and secretary-general of CEPPEA, Li Aimin and 4 member units attended Bentley Global User Annual Convention in London. They witnessed the competition of infrastructure projects based on Bentley software and listened to the introduction of innovation projects in the finals, and exchanged the digitization technology and the best application instance on the leading edge. This activity gathered experience for CEPPEA to held EIM Competition. 



    On this annual convention, Hubei Electric Engineering Co.,ltd, Hydrochina Huadong Engineering Corporation, Northeast Electric Power Design Institute, Northwest Electric Power Design Institute took part in the final and introduced their entries. These projects in the finalists represented the most outstanding achievement which promoted infrastructure digitalization process in 2018. 

    During the activity, Li Aimin met with Liu Desheng, the president of Bentley in Greater China,. They analyzed and discussed the competition projects by participators from China electric power industry. There were more than 4 Bentley software users on electric power from China participated this competition, and their projects covered thermal power, wind power, power transformation.  Their international thoughts could be better to meet with international practice.

    Opinions were exchangedon the aspect of electricity market development and software promotion in China, and it was agreed that Bentley software had good market basis in China, under the "China first" strategy in service, more mutual benefit and win-win mode could be adopted on the basis of cooperation between the two sides in 2017. Moreover, With the promotion of digitalization of China State Grid Corporation, new market opportunities are brought. It is more necessary to promote the application of digitalization and Bentley from the perspective of the whole industry, and constantly expand the number of Bentley  software users in the power industry, so as to play a greater role in the digital design of power users.

    The two sides also agreed that with the increasing application of Bentley software, more effectively cost control could be realized through cooperation, and based on whole leasing practice on ”electric power engineering cloud” platform, a newly all-round cooperation scheme will be discussed and expected to be carried out before the end of the year.