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CEPPEA Mid-year Meeting of 2018 Held in Beijing 发布时间:2018-08-06 浏览次数:3327




    On July 13,2018, CEPPEA mid-year meeting of 2018 was held in Beijing. Li Aimin, the secretary-general hosted the meeting. All the staff including departmental directors participated the meeting.



    Directors of 8 departments of CEPPEA made reports on the work in the first half of the year 2018,followed by the specific requirements and working plans put forward by the leaders in charge. Li Aimin summarized the meeting and said that the first half of the year had a compact work schedule and all the tasks were completed successfully with everyone’s efforts; in the second half year, standardization construction of CEPPEA would be emphasized, and the new CEPPEA quality management manual should be published to ensure quality and efficiency of work following the specified process. What’s more, innovation capacity should be strengthened following closely up to the needs of members, not only on service items, but also on service methods to provide quality and all-round services to member units. During the meeting, he also put forward some new requirements for the growth of young employees.