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2019 Electric Power Survey and Design Industry Statistic Yearbook and Benchmarking Successfully Completed 发布时间:2020-07-22 浏览次数:3176


    Electric power survey and design industry statistic yearbook and benchmarking is one of the most important work of China Electric Power Planning and Engineering Association(CEPPEA), which provides the first-hand information for the member enterprises.

    According to the plan of CEPPEA, 2019 electric power survey and design industry statistic yearbook and benchmarking was started in January and finished in five months. Now they were published on the web of CEPPEA.



     It is hoped that the member enterprises continue to support the work of CEPPEA, pay high attention to and actively participate in the work of statistical information reporting, thus industry big data can be established so as to provide accurate, detailed and valuable information for the member enterprises to know more about the industry development situation.