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The Communication with Microsoft about Advanced Digital Technology 发布时间:2019-12-31 浏览次数:3451


    In order to better understand the development trend of digital technology and improve the application level of digital technology in the industry, China Electric Power Planning and Engineering Association(CEPPEA) organized the main principals from North China Power Engineering Co.,Ltd of China Power Engineering Consulting Group, East China Electric Power Design Institute Co.,Ltd, and PowerChina Hebei Electric Power Engineering  Co.,Ltd to Microsoft head office for communication and research about advanced digital technology and corporate culture.



    Microsoft is an American multinational technology corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington, which is the world leader in personal computer software development. This technical exchange is main about Hololens mixed reality, Azure cloud, Garage culture and strategic development and so on.





    Through this communication, the research team get better understanding about advanced digital technology. Hololens mixed reality brings together two worlds in a way to be a new man-machine interaction mode. Azure cloud’s success promotes the artificial intelligence platform and productivity service. “Garage” gives the opportunity for inspiration. These technologies and its prospective strategies is worthy of our attention and reference.