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The 3rd China Electric Power Engineering Information Modeling (EIM) Competition Held in Nanjing 发布时间:2019-01-04 浏览次数:3767



    On November 29, China Electric Power Planning & Engineering Association(CEPPEA)held the final of the 3rd Electric Power Engineering Information Modeling (EIM) Competition in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province with the assistance of Jiangsu Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd. After intense evaluation and scoring by 24 judges, 13 works from 6 groups, namely, hydropower, thermal power, power transmission, power transformation, new energy and non-electric business, had won the first, second or third place in the group. The only top prize, which was voted from the six first prizes of each group by the judges, was awarded to“Digitized Engineering of Shenhua Fuping Thermal Power New Construction Project”completed by Northwest Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd.

    "Three changes are advocated in this competition: from digitized design to digitized engineering, from multi-specialty design coordination to large scale coordination covering parties of design, construction, owner, operation and maintenance, from focusing on the improvement of digitized design level to advocating the application of the whole life cycle of the project." Li Aimin, vice president and secretary-general of CEPPEA, summed up the competition with these words.

    Compared with the former competition, the whole life cycle digitized application projects among the award-winning works determined by this final has increased significantly. The three changes advocated by the organizers of the competition are taking root in the industry.