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Four CEPPEA Organizational Standard Outlines Passed Evaluation 发布时间:2018-02-01 浏览次数:3419


    On Jan. 11, 2018, four organizational standard outlines regarding electric vehicle charging facilities and substation monitoring and control system drafted by Beijing Electric Power Economic & Technological Research Institute passed evaluation organized by China Electric Power Planning and Engineering Association (shorted as CEPPEA).

    Guo Yali, the vice secretary-general of CEPPEA attended the meeting, and gave a speech on the state policies on standardization and CEPPEA organizational standard working progress and focuses. She said that new policies were put into force by the country encouraging fully developing of organizational standard (shorted as OS) and granting legal status to it. It’s time for its flourishing, and it is also CEPPEA’s important focus of work waiting for active participation and supports by the members.

    Divided in two groups, the experts reviewed the outlines and gave revising suggestions based on the whole industry, they reached consensus that all the four outlines passed the evaluation. after discussion

    After the meeting, CEPPEA decided to set up the OS working team of the electric vehicle charging facilities, and Beijing Electric Power Economic and Technology Research Institute was delegated to be the team director for further exploring the development of charging facilities and establishing relevant OS.