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The First Session of Power Supply EIM Competition Held 发布时间:2018-01-10 浏览次数:3059


    For helping member units to fit the revolution of digital design, the first session of power supply Engineering Information Modeling competition was held from October 25 to 27 after a half year of intense preparation, which was sponsored by China Electric Power Planning and Engineering Association(CEPPEA) in Shanghai on October 25 to 27, undertaken by Shanghai Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd., of the Power Construction Corporation of China. 

    Data statistics were shown on the screen in real-time. Competitors and the entire audience held their breath to wait for the results. This is a scene in the competition. After the fierce preliminary and final competitions, 7 projects from  Beijing Electric Power Economic and Technology Research Institute, Shanghai Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd., Tianjin Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd., and Guangzhou Electric Power Engineering Design Institute Co., Ltd. obtained awards as winners.

    Li Aimin, the secretary-general of CEPPEA said that this competition reflected the application level of participating enterprise in the recent years. He considered that innovation should be applied to industrialization and standardization, not only in capacity construction, because of which CEPPEA is always excavating product value and guiding design standard of digital design. He said that his competition was a good chance for showing digital design ability, discussion and communication.