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The Second Session of the Eighth China Electric Power Planning and Engineering Association Council Held in Chengdu 发布时间:2017-05-09 浏览次数:2869


    On April 27, 2017, the second session of the eighth China Electric Power Planning and Engineering Association(CEPPEA) Council was held in Chengdu, which was assisted by Sichuan Electric Power Design and Consulting Company. The council was hosted by Zheng Shengan, the vice-Chairman and president of China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute, Pang Ke, the general manager of electrical survey & design business division of Power China. The Chairman of CEPPEA and vice-general manager of Power China, Yao Qiang, vice-Chairman Zhang Wenbin, Che Honglin, Shen Weichun, vice Chairman and secretary-general of CEPPEA, Li Aimin attended the meeting, which was participated by totally 163 people, including 105 directors and representatives from director companies.



    The meeting examined and approved reports given by Li Aimin. During the group discussion, representatives are active to make statements in aspects of industry transformation development, international business exploitation, general contract project management, industrial standard construction, and so on. They gave a lot of suggestions about the development of the industry and CEPPEA. 



     Representatives from Hubei Electric Engineering Corporation and Anhui Electric Power Design Institute made speeches exchanging their experience on transformation development, and the prize for progress in electric power science and technology was awarded during the meeting.   



    Yao Qiang gave a speech on the council, which fully affirmed the working report. According to the direction for development of design enterprises, he put forward that transformation and upgrading are necessary. The general contracting business should be put in the first place of industry development, which can enhance the capacity of engineering company. He also said that we must pay more attention to the competition mode in the information age, complete the engineering service industry chain and raise the level of management to promote the sustained and healthy development of the industry.