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2016 CEPPEA Annual Meeting Held in Beijing 发布时间:2017-02-16 浏览次数:3320


    CEPPEA annual meeting of year 2016 was held in Beijing on January 10, 2017. Li Aimin, the secretary-general hosted the meeting participated by all staff including the vice secretary-general Guo Yali and Gao Hong, the secretary assistant Hao Shijie and the former vice-secretary-general Ma Hong.

    Directors of 7 departments of CEPPEA made reports on the work of year 2016 and the scheduled work of 2017. Guo Yali,Gao Hong, Hao Shijie and Ma Hong commented on the work finished,and then forwarded requirements on focuses of 2017.

    Li Aimin summarized the meeting and stated that CEPPEA finished all scheduled work and made great achievements in 2016 despite the negative factors like staff turnover, these greatly enhanced the influence of CEPPEA in the industry and some were highly appraised by the members, such as the publication of standards comparative study, technical exchange activities organized by specialty committees and services provided to the members in need.

    Li Aimin stressed that 2017 is a key time point of the “13th 5 -year-plan”. The new policies aiming at renovation of the electric power industry brings not only challenges but also motive power to CEPPEA. In 2017, CEPPEA will strengthen communication with the relevant departments of the government, the competent authorities and other associations in the industry; keep up with the relevant policies to provide all-round, efficient and timely services to the members; care more concerns of the members during their process of “going global” to provide more accurate services.

    Department directors of CEPPEA were required to give overall consideration and break down the tasks to form detailed monthly schedules for better performance.  

    Li Aimin said, in 2017, more study opportunities such as “witness and study on site”, “work as a designer in design institute” will be provided to young employees, through which they will own better background in the special field of the electric industry to meet the need of their own work.

    The young employee year-end report and assessment were also carried out in the meeting.