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The 2022 International Business Experience Exchange Meeting Held in Fuzhou. 发布时间:2022-10-24 浏览次数:1289

  On August 30th, the 2022 International Business Experience Exchange Meeting was heled in Fuzhou, which was sponsored by China Electric Power Planning & Engineering Association (shorted as CEPPEA) and organized by Fujian Yongfu Power Engineering Co., Ltd. At the same time, the CEPPEA opened an online video conference for members that could not participate in the meeting due to the epidemic. More than 80 representatives relevant to the international business from more than 40 member companies attended the meetings offline or online.

  Gao Hong, deputy secretary general of CEPPEA, Yang Yisheng, deputy chief economist and general manager of overseas business department of Power Construction Corporation of China, and Suo Debo, general manager of market financing department of China Energy International Group Co., Ltd. attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Song Chunsheng, deputy general manager of overseas business department Project Performance Supervision Center of Power Construction Corporation of China, and Yu Chao, member of the Party Committee and deputy general manager of China Power Engineering Consulting Group International Engineering Co., Ltd. attended the meeting. Zhao Jinfei, deputy chief engineer of International Branch of China Electric Power Planning & Engineering Institute, gave the keynote speech. Wang Jinjun, vice chairman of Fujian Yongfu Power Engineering Co., Ltd. gave the welcome speech. Zhao Daming, Director of Business Coordination Department of CEPPEA hosted the meeting.

  At first, Gao Hong briefly analyzed the current international market situation, then reviewed the achievements that China's electric power industry and member enterprises reached in the international market in recent years, and introduced the international work of CEPPEA. Finally, he put forward suggestions for international business development from the aspects of international market segmentation, risk prevention, compliance management, personnel training and industry self-discipline.

  Yang Yisheng and Suo Debo respectively introduced the achievements reached, problems encountered and measures taken by POWERCHINA and ENERGY CHINA in international business in recent years, and stressed that they should actively respond to national policies, give full advantages of central enterprises and practice the role of central enterprises under the guidance of "the belt and road" initiative.

  According to the meeting agenda, Zhao Jinfei gave the keynote speech, "Overseas New Energy Investment and Planning". 9 participating member enterprises shared their experiences in international business strategic layout, project development and implementation, and various risk prevention, etc, which was worthy of reference.

  During the free discussion, participants communicated the problems encountered in the international market investment, shared their experiences combining the market and enterprise situation and put forward some suggestions for the work of the CEPPEA. Everyone spoke up in an enthusiastic atmosphere.

  At the end, Gao Hong made a summary. He fully affirmed that this meeting achieved the expected results and thanked all units for sharing. He pointed out that facing the complicated and changeable international situation, all enterprises should researched and analyzed the situation in advance, do the risk management and emergency plan, make clear the strategic positioning of international business in enterprise development, make a long-term plan for enterprise international business development, and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.

  Warm and thoughtful service from Fujian Yongfu Power Engineering Co., Ltd was appreciated.