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The 2021 Power Generation Market Business Meeting held in Guiyang 发布时间:2021-09-29 浏览次数:2161

  On July 22nd, the 2021 Power Generation Market Business meeting, which was sponsored by China Electric Power Planning and Engineering Association (shorted as CEPPEA), undertaken by POWERCHINA Guizhou Electric Power Engineering Co., Ltd., was held in Guiyang. 80 representatives in charge of the Power Generation market from 30 enterprises attended the meeting.

  Zhang Lei, the Deputy Director of the Marketing Office, Electric Power Department, POWERCHINA, and Zhao Chaoen, the Deputy Director of the Marketing office, ENERGY CHINA, gave a speech. Dai Zhiqiang, Deputy General Manager and General Counsel of Guizhou Electric Power Engineering Co., Ltd., delivered a welcome speech. The meeting was hosted by Liu Baiyi, the Assistant Director of Business Coordination Department, CEPPEA.

  During the meeting, Ma Hong, the Former Deputy Secretary-General of CEPPEA briefly reviewed the 2020 overall operation of Electric Power Survey and design industry, introduced the key work of CEPPEA in 2020, analyzed the current situation of domestic and international Power Generation market, and made suggestions in the context of the “Carbon Peak and Neutrality” goals.

  Both Zhang Lei and Zhao Chaoen introduced the situation of Power Generation business of their own corporation  in “The thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, and proposed that in “The fourteenth Five-Year Plan” period, member enterprises should actively transfer and upgrade to achieve national development goal and adapt to market trends.

  In accordance with the agenda, representatives from 9 member enterprises gave the presentation, which analyzed the situation of domestic and international Power Generation market under the “Carban Peak and Neutrality” goals and explained some ideas about company transformation and upgrading. In addition, the representative from HUADONG Engineering Corporation Limited introduced their design scheme on “Crane Beach Hydropower Station” project.

  During the discussion, representatives analyzed the development of current and future Power Generation market combining with their actual situation, shared the marketing experience including the problems and solutions, and proposed suggestions on CEPPEA.

  Finally, Ma Hong summarized and emphasized that facing increasing competition in the market, all the member enterprises should accelerate transformation and upgrading, actively safeguard market order to create higher value and contribute to “Carbon Peak and Neutrality” goal.

  Warm and thoughtful service from Guizhou Electric Power Engineering Co., Ltd. was appreciated.