Comparative study on chinese with foreign standards

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Comparative study on chinese with foreign standards

List of comparative study on Chinese electric power engineering standards with international and foreign standards 发布时间:2017-03-31 浏览次数:6716

List of comparative study on Chinese electric power engineering standards with international and foreign standards


Vol. I Geotechnical engineering of Survey and Exploration of Electric Power Engineering

         Book1  China with the United States of America

         Book2  China with The United Kingdom

         Book3  China with European Union

Vol. II Surveying Engineering of Survey and Exploration of Electric Power Engineering

     Book1China with International Standard Organization and The commonwealth of Nation

         Book2  China with the Commonwealth of the Independent States

         Book3  China with the United States of America

         Book4  China with Germany

Vol. III hydrometeorology of Survey and Exploration of Electric Power Engineering

       Book1  China with the United States of America

       Book2  China with European Union and other countries

Vol. IV Civil structure of Fossil-fired power plants

       Book1  China with the United States of America

       Book2  China with India

Vol. V Architecture of Fossil-fired power plants

       Book1  China with the United States of America

       Book2  China with India

Vol. VI Plot Plan of Fossil-fired power plants

       Book1  China with the United States of America

       Book2  China with India

Vol. VII I & C of Fossil-fired power plants

        Book1  China with International Standards Organizationand he United States of America

Vol. VIII Chemistry of Fossil-fired power plants

       Book1  China withThe United Kingdom and European Union

          Book2  China with  the United States of America

Book3  China with Russia

          Book4  China with Germany

          Book5  China with India

Vol. IX Environmental protection of Fossil-fired power plants

       Book1  China with World Bank standard

          Book2  China with European Union

         Book3  China with the United States of America,Japan,Indonesia and  Russia

Vol. X Water supply discharge and technology of Fossil-fired power plants

        Book1  China with the United States of America

        Book2  China with The United Kingdom and Germany

Vol. XI Hydraulic structure of Fossil-fired power plants

        Book1  China with the United States of America

Vol. XII Power piping of Fossil-firedpower plants

        Book1  China with European Union

               Book2  China with the United States of America

               Book3  China with India

Vol. XIII Mechanical system of Fossil-fired power plants

       Book1  China with the United States of America

Vol. XIV Electrical system of Fossil-fired power plants

       Book1  China with IEC and the United States of America

Vol. XV Fire protection of Fossil-fired power plants

       Book1  China with India

       Book12  China with Russia

Vol. XVI Coal handling of Fossil-fired power plants

      Book1  China with the United States of America

Vol. XVII HVAC of Fossil-fired power plants

      Book1  China with the United States of America

      Book2  China with The United Kingdom

Vol. XVIII Electrical Primary System of Power transmission and transformation

              Book1  China with IEC and IEEE

Vol. XIX Electrical Secondary System and communication system of Power transmission and transformation

     Book1  China with IEC,ITU and the United States of America

Vol. XX Plot Plan and Architecture of Power transmission and transformation

Book1  China with European Union

Vol. XXI Civil Structure of Power transmission and transformation

     Book1  China with European Union

Vol. XXII Water supply and discharge ,Fire protection and HVAC of Power transmission and transformation

     Book1  China with European Union

Vol. XXIII Power transmission lines of Power transmission and transformation

     Book1  China with European Union

      Book2  China with IEC

      Book3 China with the United States of America

    Vol. XXIV Photovoltaic of New Energy power Generation

            Book1  China with the United States of America ,IEC and IEEE

Vol. XXV Wind power resources of New Energy power Generation

     Book1  China with European Union

     Book2  China with the United States of America

Vol. XXVI Wind power civil works of New Energy power Generation

     Book1  China with the United States of America

      Book2  China with the Norway

Vol. XXVII Wind power electrical System of New Energy power Generation

    Book1  China with IEC

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